Today’s Philosophy

How to be a rich man? Many people are pondering over this question and are still not able to find a satisfactory answer. Truly speaking, the answer to this question is never ever specific like solving arithmetic. A few strategies can be taken as the tools to become a rich man in this complex society. A rich man must have undergone acid tests through the following 20 point program.

  1. Enthusiasm
  2. Courage
  3. Faith & Respect Yourself
  4. Self-Motivation
  5. Patience
  6. Determination & Persistence
  7. Cool Yourself by Meditation
  8. Balancing Between You & Your Environment
  9. Achieve Step by Step & Learn from Failures
  10. Face the Obstacles
  11. Commitment Through Value of Money & Time
  12. High Listening Ability
  13. Estimate Your Capacity
  14. Conserve Your Energy
  15. Excellent Communication Skills
  16. Environmental Influences
  17. Setting Goals with Positive Attitude
  18. Perfect Team Work
  19. Truthfulness
  20. Looks & Etiquette

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